Parsing The Fog Of War Of COVID-19 Misinformation Online
"AdVerif.AI uses a machine learning algorithm called FakeRank to uncover websites spreading misinformation by looking at the connections between sites flagged by Poynter and other reputable fact-checking networks."
Why AI and advertisers should team up to fix fake news
" team took their experience to create a new AI tool that government agencies, fact checkers and advertisers are using to determine automatically which stories are fake and which are real."
The Fake News Arms Race
"Startups like Israeli-based are looking to help ad agencies not only identify fake stories to ensure their brand doesn’t appear alongside them, but also defund the bad actors who are producing low-quality content."
Fake news is Twitter’s flu: Chips with Everything podcast
Is there some technological way to detect the presence of fake news before it starts to spread? To try to figure it out, Jordan Erica Webber speaks to the MIT professor Sinan Aral and the entrepreneur Or Levi.
The hottest trend in AI is perfect for creating fake media
" has had success analyzing fake-news text and Photoshopped images, but Levy says that GANs pose a unique threat."
Fake News And How Artificial Intelligence Tools Can Help
"The tool augments the job of editorial staff with deep learning and Natural Language Processing capabilities to detect patterns that indicate spam, malware or inappropriate content."
Why bots taking over (some) journalism could be a good thing
"It’s in its very early stages, and mistakes do get through, but it and systems like it have the potential to help us separate fact from fiction."
EU Enlists AI Startup in Fight Against Fake News
" has developed a disinformation-busting algorithm that can help advertisers that don’t want their ads to appear next to fake news"
Technology has no answers to end rumours and fake news. Not yet
", an ad verification platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help detect fake news and shield brands from advertising around such news, uses natural-language processing to estimate the likelihood of an item to be false"
Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google’s AI battle over your social lives
"Those fact-checking tools are employing the AI of, according to founder Or Levi. It finds flagged images and does a reverse image lookup to see where else it's been posted"
Fake news is still a problem. Is AI the solution?
"In November, launched an AI-based algorithm that the company claims can identify fraudulent stories with an accuracy approaching 90 percent."
Spotting fake news with AI
"Testing a demo version of the, the AI recognized the Onion as satire (which has fooled many people in the past). Breitbart stories were classified as “unreliable, right, political, bias,” while Cosmopolitan was considered “left.”"
Can AI Win the War Against Fake News?
"Misleading and maliciously false online content is so prolific that we humans have little hope of digging ourselves out of the mire. One algorithm meant to shine a light in the darkness is"